Proof of Residence
Due to MISD board policy change effective the 24-25 school year, we will only collect POR for returning students entering Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th-grade levels.
Student service approvals for MLSA, grandparent affidavit, and McKinney Vento are still required yearly regardless of grade level.
Satisfactory Proof Of Residence includes:
Electric, Gas, or Water Bill – with May service dates or later Disconnection notices are not allowed Newly Established Residency in the last 30 days includes: Lease Agreement The lease agreement may be acceptable if it is new (30 days or less). Is used when you do not have a utility bill and the lease states bills are paid by the lessor. Other documentation may be requested when a utility bill is not available. The lease agreement must list the student occupants.